Using near-miss data to understand safety at rail level crossings.
This case study uses Compass Road Intelligence and custom services. Reach out to our team for more information on custom services.
A road authority wanted to understand driver behaviour around rail level crossings, with over 1200 sites of interest in the jurisdiction. Several sites had several near misses and/or accidents documented retrospectively. Previously, there has not been a way to understand the true number of near misses at these sites.
The road authority provided a list of sites, the treatments applied and the relevant road operator. Compass proprietary algorithms revealed possible near misses as a g-force reading along with pathing and speeds, for several level crossing sites.
The outputs of the project included a dashboard that visualised the point data and a report that ranked the most dangerous sites by the number of near misses, alongside a column mentioning any installed treatments.
The Road safety treatments being considered to improve safety at these sites include signage, boom gates, lighting and road markings.