Highway Overtaking Analysis

How Connected Vehicle data can be used to understand overtaking risk on highways

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A state government road authority wanted to identify overtaking behaviour on the Great Northern Highway. Specifically, they wanted insights into the top 5 locations across a 3 year period where:

  • cars need to overtake trucks;
  • cars need to slow down because there is no space to overtake and;
  • how long it takes cars to overtake a truck.

To identify hotspots, the client requested data around the number of trips each day, braking and swerving patterns to show the propensity of risk for travelling on the wrong side of the road (i.e., overtaking), and the difference between the posted speed limit vs actual speed of vehicles to understand how much time drivers spent following trucks or on the opposite side of the road.

The client received a raw origin-destination output of vehicles travelling from Newman to Port Headland, and a custom dashboard, including speed data across the top event hotspots.

They were able to align their current understandings of where they thought overtaking ‘hot spots’ occurred on the GNH by behaviour filtering to isolate when a vehicle is likely to be behind a truck, and then searching for the lane change location around that vehicle.