Here are the latest updates to Native Connect
We've launched a Native Connect Dashboard. This provides an interface for Native Connect users that doesn't require our API docs or SDKs.The vehicles in the display are seen as orange points and will turn green as the vehicle is in use. All fleet entries with a known position will show when the map loads. You can search for a vehicle by moving the map or using the search button.
Clicking the search icon reveals a search input field that allows you to select a vehicle from the dropdown. The display will then focus in on this selected vehicle. Alternatively, you can click on the orange/green dot on the map to focus in on a specific vehicle.
Below is an example of Focus View. It is identifiable by the green border around the map, indicating a selected vehicle has been clicked on. In this mode, if the vehicle moves, the map will centre itself automatically to "follow" the vehicle. This is useful to help provide continuity to the user.
On the right-hand side, there is a vehicle summary that lists some key data variants such as the vehicle's VIN, brand, last time we received data from the vehicle, and information about the different sensors on the car. These include data about the odometer, the colour, charge state for Electric Vehicles, make and model, and braking and acceleration. These panels can be re-arranged by using the grab-handles in the top left of each box and dragging them to rearrange.