Product Updates - May 2024

Here's a list of the latest updates to the Road Intelligence Platform.

Trajectory Graphs

We've added trajectory graphs as a new output in our Path Analysis Tool results section.

Compass trajectory graphs visualise how long it takes for vehicles to traverse a path or intersection(s), and helps to identify where vehicles are stopped or slowed down, and queue lengths.

The trajectory graphs can be used on any selected section of road - they aren't isolated to intersections. 

  • Filter by hours of the Day
  • Change the normalisation point (i.e., the point where all trajectories converge. By default, the platform will select the middle of your path selection as the normalisation point. You can change this by clicking at other points along the lenght of your selection).
  • Understand how long it took vehicles to traverse a selected path (measured in seconds)
  • Understand how long vehicles stopped (in seconds) and where along the path they stopped.

You can read more detail about the new Trajectory graphs in our article called: 'Path Analysis - Trajectory Graphs'.

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Chainage is now called Speed Over Distance

We've changed the name of 'chainage' to be less confusing. Everything else about this graph is the same, we've just renamed it to 'Speed over Distance'.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 1.22.00 pm

Hour of Day in Origin-Destination

We fixed a bug that was affecting hour of day data for origin-destination queries.