Near-misses at School Crossings

TfNSW DART wanted to understand safety at school crossings, including near-misses, harsh braking, and speeding data.

Transport for NSW's Data, Advice, Research and Testing (DART) team wanted to understand safety data at certain school crossings. Specifically, they were interested in near-misses, speeding, harsh braking, and g-force within 200m on either side of several crossing sites. Schools include state and non-state schools in Greater Sydney. 

Compass created a dashboard for data collected on school days during school zone hours (08:00 - 09:30 and 14:30 - 16:00) that can be filtered by distance, to a maximum of 200m.

The dashboard also displayed trip counts, overspeeding and harsh braking counts, the percentage of overspeeding and harsh braking, near-misses, the highest recorded speed, and total g-forces for schools across NSW. Harsh braking was defined as a braking G force of greater than 0.3g, while overspeeding tolerance could be determined by the end user. 

The data helped to identify the locations of crossings with high instances of overspeeding and harsh braking. It also helped to identify school crossings with several near-misses and the average highest speed and total g-forces at the crossings.

The insights were also used to benchmark against other data sources and to investigate possible correlations between Compass near-miss data and anecdotes from school crossing supervisors reporting near-miss events.